Sunday, February 11, 2007


You embarrass me sweet bird of spring!
I have no right to see you!
There’s feet of snow in the northern states
They don’t know what to do!
But, there you sit outside my window
Singing away the chill
While I sit here smiling and thinking
Of Punxsutawney Phil!
Looks like you two know all about it
You hardly need a map
You’re telling those of us in the south
We’ve seen our last cold snap!
It’s February and time for spring?
I’ll take you for your word
For me to argue with you and Phil
Would be very absurd!
Sing on sweet robin out my window
I’m drinking it all in
Wishing everyone could feel the warmth
You share with me my friend!
@Copyright 2007 Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site cannot be copied or reproduced in any manner on the World Wide Web or any other published form without the wrtten permission of the author/creator at

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