Sunday, January 14, 2007


What do you do when you look straight up
To see all of the clouds roll by
When some damn bird meets you at that look
And, "splats" you right in the eye!
A first thought might be to harm the bird
After all it did have nerve!
Aiming right at you like some planned act
Death might be what it deserves
Your eye starts to hurt as you wipe it
Oh boy what an awful mess!
Your friends nearby start to laugh out loud
It's funny I will confess
Your thoughts then turn to saving the bird
It was fate that made it fly
It just happened to "go" don't you know
While I was searching the sky
Did I learn a lesson on this day?
Oh sure I'll wear my glasses
And, search the sky very carefully
Until that damn bird passes!
@Copyright 2007 Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not be copied or reproduced in any manner on the World Wide Web or any other published form without the written permission of the author/creator at

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