Sunday, April 15, 2007


I washed and dried them and they sparkled so much
I was excited to be involved in such
Then pictures were taken from every angle
Nothing was here that could be called “newfangled”
That’s probably a good thing at least I have heard
I’m new at this so I won’t say a word
I wrote about the pictures and talked them up
I could use some help ‘cause I feel like a schlup!
Then, it happened, I clicked on the key SELL IT!
This is gonna fun I can just tell it!
But, deep inside my gut is having it’s say
Dear heavens! Make them buy my stuff on eBay!!
@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures on this site cannot be reproduced on the World Wide Web or any other published media with out the written permission of the writer/creator at

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