Thursday, May 11, 2006

Remembering Mama

As Mother's Day rolls around this year
I really feel so rotten
Trying to remember early years
That mostly I've forgotten
She knew all of the Glenn Miller songs
And wore Chanel Number Five
Told me all about those good ol' days
Back before I was alive
She could cook and sew like most Mom's did
Teaching me all I could learn
She told me once that I was the best
At getting the toast to burn!
She made a cotton dress for me once
I hated it.. oh my Lord!
Washing and ironing it with spray starch
Made that thing stiff as a board!
Mama had a lot of old sayings
I could barely figure out
I loved to watch her face when she spoke
She was my Mama no doubt!
As Mother's Day rolls around this year
I really feel so rotten
Yet proud of the way she taught me things
Even that dress of cotton

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