Writing with a quill pen by candlelight
Seems so simple and romantic
The thoughts a mind can dream about
Finding their way to paper
Drenching the pen quickly in the ink well
To grab those ideas in flight
Watching as the paper drinks up the thoughts
Nestling them in paper fiber
One would guess things weren’t so complicated
The world spun slower then as well
Folks grew or shot or trapped all their food
The job was to exist each day
Race forward to now and what do you see?
Fast food, fast cars and cell phones
No paper, no pen and complicated days
Breath in and reach for your quill
@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all other poems and pictures on this Blog cannot be copied and posted on the World Wide Web or any other published form without the written permission of the writer/creator at scarlet@rhymecreek.com