Sunday, March 18, 2007


Sister married him for his money
Then, she shot him dead
Never served a single day in jail
Bought the judge instead
Brother wheeled and dealed his own empire
A jerk from the start
Someone caught him in his evil ways
That was the best part
Mother married her seventh husband
Just because she could
She’ll get all his money fairly soon
I knew that she would
Granddad left his money to the maid
Who was his lost child
She locked up the house and moved away
Then, she went hog wild
Uncle was such a real fine doctor
Every other day
The rest of the time the nurses ran
When he tried to play!
It’s tough to keep up with all this mess
But, I do it well
Watching four soaps in one afternoon
I may go to hell!
@Copyright 2007 Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site cannot be copied or reproduced in any manner on the World Wide Web or any other published form without the written permission of the author/creator at scarlet@!

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