Sunday, December 02, 2007

I Found Her In A Scrapbook

Dusty and overstuffed with memories
I carried it to the table
Carefully I opened it to her whole life
As a young girl so much in love

The theatre tickets and the receipts
Times that she cherished so much
Crushed corsages from a special evening
Ribbons with tears stains of her joy

She loved a man who was in the Army
I found some of his letters too
Page after page of what was so special
Match books and black and white pictures

Gorgeous in her form fitting dress and heels
She was the beauty that he loved
And, he was the one she always counted on
To make her laugh and hold her hand

There in overstuffed pages she lives on
Sharing her fun and hearts desire
The telegram saying he mailed her the ring
The pictures from the honeymoon

I smile through my own tears of sad and joy
What a treasure this book does hold
I found her in those old scrapbook pages
Well before I was ever born

@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all pictures and poetry on this Blog cannot be copied and placed on the World Wide Web or any other published form without the written permission of the writer/creator at

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