Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When I Wasn't Lookin'

I don’t watch a lot of television these days
It just doesn’t appeal to me too much
Folks runnin’ around tryin’ to out do the other
Where in the world do they come up with such?
Do they think those people really know how to sing?
They certainly are no “idols” of mine!
And, if I wanted to watch people on an island
I think Gilligan would do me just fine
The days of a good sitcom are just about over
Now., “reality” is the new thing
Eating dirt and who knows what for a few dollars
Is suppose to make me keep watching?
The fact is I’m not in their “target demo” now
“Grandma” should be in the kitchen cookin’!
Well, if I got old it’s a big surprise to me!
Musta happened when I wasn’t lookin’!
@Copyright 2006 Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not to be copied or reproduced in any manner on the World Wide Web or any any published form without the written permission of the author/creator at

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Stillness that comes from the night’s last breath
Nothing but the beat of a heart
Grab it before it lingers no more
The secrets of now will impart

Reflections of life as it changes
A ripple from a pebble thrown
The days when life was so fresh and new
Fill hearts and minds with what is known

Look back with the same kind reflections
Hold fast to the passion and pain
You’ll press on with great understanding
Through sunshine and even the rain
@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not to be copied or reproduced in any manneron the World Wide Web or any any published form without the written permission of the author/creator at

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Forever Friends

Not because we planned it
Fate has made it so.
We didn’t understand it
All those years ago.

I would picked the flowers
You would pull my hair
Then, we’d sit for hours
Thinking up a dare.

Not knowing what would be
As our lives would change
A life for you and me
It seemed much too strange.

But, now it is so fine
My forever friend
To have your life in mine
Such a perfect blend.

@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not to be copied or reproduced in any manneron the World Wide Web or any any published form without the written permission of the author/creator at

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter Memories

Memories of Easter from my childhood
Come around to visit every year.
The beautiful flowers in every yard
Makes a special mem’ry I hold dear
The dozens of eggs on the stove to boil
The dyes and wax pencils lined up
I loved searching through all of the cab’nets
To find Mama’s old chipped coffee cups
The hot vinegar and dye were added
The wire ring helped place the eggs just so
A few seconds of watching patiently
Brought forth a bounty of eggs to show
Dad, the Easter Bunny, would take each egg
All over our backyard he would hide
My friends and I would look all over the place
‘Cause the gold one had chok’lit inside!
Remembering Easter in a diff’runt way
So many colors from which to choose
Thoughts of a new dress that my Mama picked out
With brand new white patent leather shoes.
@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not to be copied or reproduced in any manneron the World Wide Web or any any published form without the written permission of the author/creator at

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Welcome To My Garden

Accentuated in beauty every step of the way
Meant to bring true solace to those that come by
Linger here and find your time of inner peace
Know the meaning of you and the sun and sky
Why do some flowers seem to last for weeks
While others struggle for a few brief days?
And, why should we stop and smell the roses?
Is there some lesson to be learned today?
Welcome to my garden of inner peace
Once you visit you’ll know why you were sent
A time to reflect on all the beauties
Of your life and how your time was well spent.
@Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site can not to be copied or reproduced in any manneron the World Wide Web or any any published form without the written permission of the author/creator at