Sunday, November 04, 2007

Skillets and Their Uses

Not much can be said about skillets
That hasn’t already been said
They are good for fryin’ up chicken
And, can cook up a great cornbread.

Hattie Jo used her skillet different
Hittin’ Clyde up side of the head
If he stepped outta line he caught it
Clyde sometimes wishes he was dead

Hattie Jo don’t put up with a lot
Clyde never really understands
He goes out drinkin’ with all the guys
Hattie Jo sits with her fry pan!

You’d think after all the hittin’ years
Clyde’s mind would have been made right
Yet every week he does the same thing
Booze and poker on Saturday night

Now, don’t go thinkin’ bad about her
Hattie Jo sure loves her man Clyde
But, if he ain’t there to eat chicken
Clyde’s head is what else that gets fried

@2007 Copyright Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all pictures and poem on this Blog cannot be duplicated on the world wide web or any other published form without the written permission of the writer/creator at

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