You’ve won our latest contest hooray!
You are now among the best of the best
And, here’s how you can out shine the rest
We’ve chosen your poem to go into
A book we’ve created for you
It will have your poem in a nice place
If you send a pic, we’ll show your face!
The book is made of the finest leather
But, still remains light as a feather
You can show your friends and brag about it
You won a contest no doubt about it
Wanna know when you’ll get your poem book?
Bet you’re excited to take a look
Just mail us 60 bucks and we’ll send it
It’s a pretty good scam.. it’n it?
@Copyright 2007 Scarlet's Rhymes - The above and all poetry and pictures posted on this site cannot be copied or reproduced in any manner of the World Wide Web or any other published form without the written permission of the author/creator at